Why didn't Kalaripayattu become as famous as other martial arts?


Kalaripayattu is a martial art that originated in the Indian state of Kerala and is considered one of the oldest fighting systems in existence. Despite its rich history and unique techniques, Kalaripayattu has not gained the same level of international recognition as other martial arts such as karate, taekwondo, or judo. 

There are several possible reasons why Kalaripayattu has not become as famous as these other martial arts.

One possible reason is the limited exposure of Kalaripayattu to the outside world. Until relatively recently, Kalaripayattu was primarily practised within the Indian state of Kerala and was not widely known outside of India. 

It was only in the 20th century that Kalaripayattu began to gain some attention from martial arts enthusiasts and researchers in other parts of the world. 

By that time, other martial arts such as karate and taekwondo had already established a strong foothold in the international martial arts community.

Another factor may be the lack of standardization in Kalaripayattu. Unlike some other martial arts, Kalaripayattu does not have a single governing body or standardized curriculum. 

There are many different styles and variations of Kalaripayattu, each with its own unique techniques and training methods. 

This can make it difficult for outsiders to understand and appreciate the art, and can also make it challenging for practitioners to compete and demonstrate their skills on an international level.

Another possible factor is the emphasis on spiritual and cultural elements in Kalaripayattu. Unlike some other martial arts, Kalaripayattu places a strong emphasis on the spiritual and cultural aspects of the art, including the use of mudras (hand gestures), meditation, and the chanting of mantras.

While these elements are an important part of the practice for many Kalaripayattu practitioners, they may not be as appealing or relatable to those outside of the Indian culture.

Furthermore, Kalaripayattu has also been subject to colonial suppression and cultural erasure under British colonial rule. During the colonial period, the British banned the practice of Kalaripayattu, seeing it as a threat to their authority.

This led to the decline of Kalaripayattu in popularity and the loss of many traditional techniques and practices. While efforts have been made to revive Kalaripayattu in recent years, the impact of colonialism and cultural erasure cannot be underestimated.

Despite these challenges, Kalaripayattu has slowly gained recognition and popularity in recent years, due in part to efforts by practitioners and enthusiasts to promote and preserve the art. 

Many Kalaripayattu schools have been established around the world, and the art has been featured in movies and television shows. However, it is still not as widely recognized or practised as some other martial arts.

In conclusion, the reasons why Kalaripayattu has not become as famous as other martial arts are complex and multifaceted.

Limited exposure, lack of standardization, emphasis on cultural and spiritual elements, and the impact of colonialism and cultural erasure are all factors that have contributed to its relative obscurity. 

However, with continued efforts to promote and preserve the art, Kalaripayattu has the potential to gain more recognition and become a more widely practised martial art in the future.

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